photo_Toshinori Okada
Text_Toshinori Okada
世間では“聖地巡礼” が流行っているらしい。アニメなどの大好きな作品の舞台を実際に巡る。例えば、「鬼滅の刃」ファンが「あしかがフラワーパーク」に行くとか、「天気の子」を観て千駄ヶ谷あたりをうろうろするとか。行きたい気持ちはよくわかる。自分も以前、聖地巡礼をしたことがある。
Visiting the Village of Kusturica Near the Serbian Border.
Globally, people are drawn to visit locations from their favorite animes and films, like Demon Slayer fans going to Ashikaga Flower Park or exploring Sendagaya inspired by Weathering with You. For example, fans of Demon Slayer visiting Ashikaga Flower Park, or wander around Sendagaya after watching Weathering with You. Such pilgrimages resonate with many, including myself.
Emir Kusturica, a celebrated filmmaker from Bosnia and Herzegovina and two-time Palme d’Or winner for films like Underground and When Father Was Away on Business, creates works imbued with Gypsy culture, humanity, and vitality.
Learning about Kustendorf, a village Kusturica bought and developed into a cultural hub with a film school, a restaurant and accommodations after filming Life is a Miracle there, I felt compelled to visit.
Situated near Serbia’s western border, Kustendorf beckoned. With arrangements for travel and accommodation handled by a coordinator, I eagerly embarked on my journey to Kusturica’s village. It started with a flight to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, via Istanbul.
In Sarajevo, signs of the conflict from three decades ago were still visible. Buildings along Sniper Street bore the scars of bullets, and wounded beggars were a common sight. The nearby forests were mined and inaccessible. Locals recounted the sad development of neighbor turning against neighbor. On the way to Serbia, the driver painted a vivid picture of the ethnic tensions. Despite this, Sarajevo today pulses with life, making me keen to return.
Back home, I immersed myself in learning about the Bosnian War and the complex history of Yugoslavia, learning about the path to ethnic cleansing and the tragic mistakes of humanity.
Now aware of the dark history of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, Kusturica’s films took on new meaning. The surreal, darkly comic scenarios depicted were a means to cope in a seemingly inescapable world. Visiting such meaning-laden locations truly enhances one’s appreciation of cinematic works.

