美しく、凛々しい、企業紹介 〜Vol.1〜



Text_Kotaro Sakata
Photo_©Naoya Ikegami/SUNTORY HALL ©木奥惠三

さらに言えば、本質的なことを度外視して、投機的になる近視眼的な考え自体が、CSRの本質とは違い、見返りを求めない、ノブレスオブリージュの精神を持って取り組んでいる企業となると少数となってしまうのが実情だ。なぜなら、多くの企業のCSR担当者を取材して、当初耳障りのいいことを述べてくるが、やがて、『とは言え、弊社も営利企業なので、本音としては、CSR部署は、お金を使う部署として、社内では肩身が狭いのです』 と本音を打ち明けることが多い。

このような状況下において、 理想的なCSR循環を行っている、会社を紹介しよう。皆さんが御存じのサントリーホールディングス株式会社である。サントリーは、社会貢献を据えた「利益三分主義」を経営哲学としてきた企業で。

Beautiful and Dignified: Company Introductions Vol. 1.

In the past, artists and patrons were often seen as eccentric or indulgent.
However, about 30 years ago, corporate patronage began to replace individual patrons like the Medici family of Florence, and supporting the arts and culture became known as mécénat. Over the past 20 years, this has evolved into CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), with prominent companies establishing CSR departments to highlight their contributions to society. As the global environment shifts, initiatives like the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) have emerged, focusing on protecting nature, safeguarding human rights, and contributing to global society, culture, and daily life. This led to the rise of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investments, with security companies offering investment products linked to ESG becoming. Yet, true sustainability is not about short-term returns—it requires a long-term perspective.Unfortunately, many companies miss the essence of CSR, and fewer embody the spirit of noblesse oblige, working for the good of society without expecting something in return. Interviews with CSR managers often reveal the truth: after some polished rhetoric, they eventually admit, “We are a for-profit company after all, and within the company, the CSR department is often seen as a cost center.

In this light, let me introduce a company that exemplifies an ideal CSR model: Suntory Holdings Limited.Suntory, a company with the philosophy of “Sharing Profit Three Ways,” attributes its profits to humans and society, and directs profits to customers, reinvestment, and societal contributions. Under founder Shinjiro Torii and his successor Keizo Saji, the company fostered cultural initiatives, founding the Suntory Museum in 1961, the Torii Music Foundation in 1969, and Suntory Hall in 1986. In 2009, to mark its 110th anniversary, Suntory unified these activities under the Suntory Foundation for the Arts, furthering its commitment to culture and society. To this day, Suntory remains a privately held company, free from the pressures of shareholders seeking quick profits. This allows the founder’s spirit to endure and irrigate the company like pure water, imbuing every aspect of its business.Immersing myself in the beautiful resonance of Suntory Hall, my heart fills up with this purity of spirit.


a.サントリーホール 年間約600公演、世界の名演が繰り広げられています。
© Naoya Ikegami / SUNTORY HALL

b.サントリー美術館 1961年開館後、2007年に六本木・東京ミッドタウンに移転開館したサントリー美術館