Feature | 2024.03.23

“The toughest part of brand-building is the initial push. Once things start rolling, they proceeds smoothly. For instance, while a force of 4 might be required initially, once in motion, a force of 2 suffices, like the relationship between static and kinetic friction coefficients,” says Sakata, who has a strong background in science and mathematics.
Previously, he worked with a certain famous French brand, created by a charismatic female designer, and beloved worldwide but with few male fans in Japan. To make the brand more appealing to men, Sakata delved into the designer’s history to find and promote connections and sentiments towards men that resonate with men at large.
Sakata showcased collaborations between the designer and male artists like Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau, and Igor Stravinsky, highlighting the creation of sophisticated art. This strategy drew the attention of art-loving men and strengthened the brand’s hold on men.
“The designer bringing together fashion, art, literature, and music on a single stage was a conglomerator in today’s terms. By linking different elements, she created unprecedented value. Such creativity and stories of success strongly fortify the brand. In this way, I have been practicing the method of discovering and spreading intelligence from within a company’s history.”
Moreover, Sakata began using the brand’s hall for salons themed around music and initiating the discovery of new artists. “A brand stands not just on design or quality but also on its artistic elements.” Sakata now receives offers from many renowned companies, including an Italian men’s brand and the Diners Club, the credit card company with the longest history. “Injecting Luxury with Intelligence!”” That is the passion that drives Sakata brand creation work.”

鎌倉生まれ、東京理科大学 理学部 物理学科卒業。資生堂のCM制作でACC賞受賞他、多くの広告賞受賞。(社)日本プロトコール&マナーズ協会教授、東京藝術大学ピアノコンクール審査委員、音楽家就業支援機構アンバサダー、18年間以上CHANEL PygmalionDaysプロデューサー、『オペラ直前講座』編集長、(株)CAP代表取締役
Born in Kamakura. Graduated from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science. Has won many advertising awards including the ACC Award for Shiseido TV commercial production. Professor at the Protocol & Manners Association of Japan,judge at the Tokyo University of the Arts Piano Competition, ambassador for the Musician Employment Support Promotion Organization,producer for CHANEL Pygmalion Days for over 18 years, editor-in-chief of the Pre-Opera Course, and CEO of CAP Co., Ltd.

そこにはいつも、 “知” という宝がある。
“The toughest part of brand-building is the initial push. Once things start rolling, they proceeds smoothly. For instance, while a force of 4 might be required initially, once in motion, a force of 2 suffices, like the relationship between static and kinetic friction coefficients,” says Sakata, who has a strong background in science and mathematics.
Previously, he worked with a certain famous French brand, created by a charismatic female designer, and beloved worldwide but with few male fans in Japan. To make the brand more appealing to men, Sakata delved into the designer’s history to find and promote connections and sentiments towards men that resonate with men at large.
Sakata showcased collaborations between the designer and male artists like Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau, and Igor Stravinsky, highlighting the creation of sophisticated art. This strategy drew the attention of art-loving men and strengthened the brand’s hold on men.
“The designer bringing together fashion, art, literature, and music on a single stage was a conglomerator in today’s terms. By linking different elements, she created unprecedented value. Such creativity and stories of success strongly fortify the brand. In this way, I have been practicing the method of discovering and spreading intelligence from within a company’s history.”
Moreover, Sakata began using the brand’s hall for salons themed around music and initiating the discovery of new artists. “A brand stands not just on design or quality but also on its artistic elements.” Sakata now receives offers from many renowned companies, including an Italian men’s brand and the Diners Club, the credit card company with the longest history. “Injecting Luxury with Intelligence!”” That is the passion that drives Sakata brand creation work.”

a. ローマ歌劇場3階客席より。上の席では、2列目なのにステージが見切れてしまう。
b. パリオペラ座ホワイエよりセーヌ川方向の眺め。
c. パリオペラ座バックステージ。多くのパトロンがバレエダンサーと過ごした場所。
d. パリオペラ座ホワイエ天井シャンデリア装飾が美しい。
「誰もが知っている有名な曲がかかる演目があります。例えばビゼーのカルメンはいかがでしょう。劇中にかかる “ハバネラ” はどこかで聞いたことがあるはず。知っている曲から入った世界、カルメンの場合そこはスペインのセビーリャ。エキゾチックな街並みのなか、どこからか爽やかなオレンジの香りが漂ってくる。舞台を見て、歌を聴いていると、日本にいながらスペインの街へとトリップできる。フランス、イタリア、舞台はさまざま。劇場のイスに座りながら旅をする、そんなアームチェアートラベラーとなれるのも、オペラの楽しみのひとつです」。
In nurturing luxury brands, a vital part of Sakata’s everyday life is opera. “Opera first and foremost involves music and vocal performance. Then, there’s graphic design, three-dimensional art, costume design, drama and stage direction, as well as elements of history and literature, and even the politics and customs of the era. During intermissions, I enjoy a glass of wine or some snacks. The audience’s attire also catches my attention. Thus, opera encompasses a comprehensive range of artistic expressions, from the arts to food and fashion.” It’s truly a conglomerate of culture! Sakata is working to bring such opera to as many people as possible. “People think that opera is inaccessible. That’s not the case. Depending on the show and seat, ticket prices aren’t always that high. So, I encourage everyone to enjoy opera more casually.”
Lastly, we inquired about how neophytes can enjoy opera.
“There are performances featuring well-known pieces familiar to all. Take Bizet’s Carmen for example. You must have heard “Habanera” played somewhere before. In the case of Carmen, the world you enter from that song you know is Seville, Spain. Amidst the exotic street scenes, you might catch the refreshing scent of oranges. Watching the stage and listening to the songs, you can travel to the streets of Spain while sitting in Japan. Becoming an armchair traveler enjoying diverse performances set in France, Italy, and elsewhere from a theater seat is one of the joys of opera. ”
Spreading intelligence to brands and to people, starting with opera, is Sakata’s job.

株式会社 CAP
TEL:03-3541-4363 e-mail:sakata@caap.jp


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