
Feature | 2024.09.20

日本で古くから “気は病から、病は気から” といわれていることを考えると、私たちはずっとWell-beingを探ってきた。そしてそのときどきで様々な健康ブームが起きた。ある食材がカラダに良いとテレビで取り上げられれば品切れ状態になり、ある運動が効果的といわれるとみんなで飛びつく。もちろん健康意識が高いのは良いことだけど、一過性の流行で終わるものも多くある。
健康はファッションじゃない。そんな想いで世の中を見ていたのが久 優子さん。美脚トレーナー、ボディメンテナンスセラピスト、ビューティーライフアドバイザーといった多彩な肩書きをもつ彼女は、まとめていえば健やかな心身づくりを実践し、広めようとしている人。
Health and beauty are killer topics in TV and magazines.
However, some believe health isn’t a trend, and fragmented knowledge is ineffective.
What truly matters is understanding health as a whole and tapping into the body’s natural healing power.
Total health leads to true happiness.
Recently, the term “well-being” is commonly used. The term “well-being” has become common lately. It refers to physical, mental, and social well-being, often translated as “happiness.” Initially, I thought it was just a trendy buzzword, but I was surprised to see it on the Digital Agency’s website, where they aim to quantify and visualize it toward the realization of the Digital Garden City State concept. This feels a bit lofty and distant. Simply put, well-being means being healthy in both mind and body.
In Japan, the saying “a troubled mind brings illness, and illness troubles the mind” shows we’ve been exploring well-being for a long time. Various health trends come
shows we’ve been exploring well-being for a long time. Various health trends come and go. When a food is shown on TV as beneficial, it sells out, and when an exercise is praised, everyone rushes to try it. While it’s great to be health-conscious, many of these trends are short-lived.
Health isn’t a trend—this is Yuko Hisashi’s perspective. Bestowed titles like Leg Trainer, Body Maintenance Therapist, and Beauty Life Advisor, she focuses on promoting a healthy mind and body.
In the past, households had medical encyclopedias offering guidance on injuries and illnesses, much like a first-aid kit. Flipping through them casually helped build health knowledge. Inspired by this, Yuko Hisashi aims to spread a similar resource. She is preparing a seminar focused on “Self-Medication” and “Self-Care,” highlighting the interaction of health and beauty to enhance the body’s natural healing power.
Health fosters beauty, gives life meaning, and brings happiness. It is the foundation of everything. Understanding total health leads to true well-being.
久 優子
Yuko Hisashi

⼀般社団法⼈⽇本ホリスティックウェルネス協会 代表理事。
Feature | 2024.09.20

健康と病気の中間にある状態、あるいは健康から病気へと向かっている状態を「未病」というらしい。 病気へと向かっているとは、なんとも不気味。 自覚症状がなくても検査で異常が見つかることがあるが、つまりそれまでは未病という病気だったということか。 不摂生を繰り返しながら、でも体調は悪くないからなどとうそぶいている身としては、なんとも耳が痛い。
「簡単にいうと、未病とは病気の前段階。 自覚はなくてもカラダは何らかのサインをだしているので、それを⾒逃さないことが⼤切なんです」。 そう語るのはボディメンテナンスセラピストの久 優子さん。 「例えば、手のひらにちょっとした湿疹ができたら、収まるまで放っておくのではなく、未病を疑ってみる。 そのときに必要なのはカラダについての正しい知識なんです。 湿疹が自分にとってどんなサインなのかわかるようにする」。
湿疹のようにカラダにでてこないサインを見つける方法は?「姿見に全身をうつしてカラダのゆがみをチェックするなどいろいろあります。わかりやすいところでは食ですね。いまの時代、簡単に手に入る食が多くありますが、それは毒だと、まず疑ってみる」。 日頃、食べているものを見直して、そこに添加物などが含まれていたら未病の可能性があるということ。
「食を見直すのはなかなか難しいですよね。忙しければ外食が増えるのは仕方がないです。 カラダに悪いもの摂り入れたら、それをデトックスする知識があれば対処できます。要は断片的ではなく、健康についての総合的、全体的な知識や情報が必要なんです」。だから久さんは健康についての知識を網羅したセミナーを開こうと準備している。
「あるとき、おなかの調子が悪い人がいました。でも、自分では腸活をしているから大丈夫だという。私はなにか原因があると探っていると⼝臭が。 結果、歯周病だったことがわかったんです」。 歯周病でおなかの調子が悪くなる? 「口と腸は直結していて、菌の環境は同じと思っていいです。腸内の常在菌、善玉菌や悪玉菌、日和見菌は口にもいる。⻭周病菌が腸へとおりていくととたんに腸内環境が乱れる。そのことを知っていると、おなかの調子が悪くなったときに口や歯の病気を疑うことができます」。
なるほど、カラダは全部、つながっているというわけだ。 「未病を発見するためにも、自分のカラダ全体を、ぜひ知ってほしいですね」。自分を深く知ることが未病対策につながる。
Mibyō measures start with self-knowledge.
Everything in the body is interconnected, though we often forget this obvious fact. A fragmented perspective won’t detect mibyō, the state between health and illness, where one is gradually moving toward sickness.
Heading toward illness is unsettling. Even without symptoms, tests may reveal abnormalities, showing you were in a state of mibyō all along. As someone who often indulges in unhealthy habits but excuses it because I feel fine, this really resonates with me.
In simple terms, mibyō is the stage before illness. Even if you’re unaware, your body is giving off signs, so it’s crucial not to overlook them,” says Yuko Hisashi, a Body Maintenance Therapist.
For example, if a small rash appears on your palm, rather than ignoring it until it goes away, you should consider the possibility of mibyō. You need accurate knowledge about your body to understand what that rash is signaling.
But how do you detect signs that don’t show physically? “There are various ways, such as checking for body misalignment in a full-length mirror. A simple example is diet. Today, processed foods are easily accessible, but we should first question if they’re harmful.” Regularly reviewing your diet and watching for additives can help spot potential mibyō.
Reevaluating your diet can be difficult, especially with busy lifestyles. If you frequently eat out, it’s essential to know how to detoxify your body after consuming harmful substances. The key is having a comprehensive understanding of health, not just fragmented knowledge.” This is why Yuko Hisashi is preparing a seminar that covers a wide range of health knowledge.
“I once met someone with digestive issues, but they insisted they were fine because they were taking care of their gut. It turned out to be periodontal disease.” Can oral health affect digestion? “Yes, the mouth and gut are connected, sharing similar bacteria. Periodontal bacteria can travel to the gut, so it’s important to consider oral health when digestive problems arise.” The body is truly interconnected. Understanding your whole body is essential for detecting mibyō, and deep self-awareness is key to preventing it.

Feature | 2024.09.20

「ボディメンテナンスをするなかで、リンパトレナージュは大切な要素です」と語る久さん。 リンパトレナージュとは体内に蓄積した老廃物を排出し、各器官の働きを高め、免疫力向上や美容効果を促すもの。「リンパについて、もう少し詳しく説明しましょう。私たちの体内には体重の約60%の水分があります。 そのうち細胞の外側にあるのが “血液” と “リンパ液”です」。 その2種の体液がカラダの中を巡っている。
リンパ液の流れが良くなると、どんな効果が生まれますか?「体内には老廃物をろ過する “リンパ節” という場所があり、“耳下腺リンパ” や “鎖骨リンパ”、“腋窩リンパ” など全身に約600あるといわれています。このリンパ節にリンパ液を通すことで悪いものを取り除きます」。
久さんはリンパダイエットの本も出している。「リンパマッサージはリンパ液の巡りを良くして、免疫システムにもいい影響を与えます。 リンパケアは美容と健康を改善、維持するために欠かせないもの。それにファスティングをプラスすればより強力なダイエット法になります。カラダの隅々までクリーンにして胃腸を休めて内臓をリセットし、さらに胃腸から分泌されるホルモンとリンパケアでデトックスを加速させることができます。 リンパケア=美容と思われていますが、それは間違いです。元々医療機関で⽤いられた技術であり、術後の浮腫などを解消に役⽴てられていたもの。リンパ液を流し、免疫⼒を⾼め健康に、毒素を排泄しその結果として美しくなれる。 やはり、まず健康ありき。
Improving lymphatic flow for health and beauty.
Lymph fluid, which carries waste, functions like a sewer system. Improving its flow helps cleanse your body from the inside.
“Lymph drainage is a key part of body maintenance,” says Yuko Hisashi. It helps remove waste, enhance organ function, boost immunity, and promote beauty. “To explain further, our bodies are about 60% water, and the fluid outside our cells includes blood and lymph. Both circulate throughout the body.”
“Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cells, while lymph fluid collects and removes waste and fatigue-causing substances, functioning like a sewer system.” I see, improving lymph flow enhances the body’s overall condition.
“Lymph fluid flows at about 24 cm per minute, which is much slower compared to blood, which circulates through the entire body in a minute.”
“What are the benefits of improved lymphatic flow? Our bodies have around 600 lymph nodes, including the parotid, supraclavicular, and axillary nodes, which filter lymph fluid and remove harmful substances.”
Yuko Hisashi has also written a book on lymphatic dieting. “Lymphatic massage improves lymph flow and strengthens the immune system. Lymph care is vital for both beauty and health. Combined with fasting, it’s an even more effective diet method, cleansing the body, resting the digestive system, and resetting the organs. Detoxification is sped up through hormone release and lymph care. While often linked to beauty, lymph care primarily boosts immunity and overall health, with beauty as a positive side effect.” Better lymph flow enhances health, and beauty follows—health truly comes first.


SCHELLIN FIT (シェレンフィット)

DOCTORAIR (ドクターエア)ストレッチロール


健康に重要なオーラルケア。 歯だけでなく舌をきれいにすることも重要。


Feature | 2024.09.20

⽢酒は飲む点滴と⾔われるほど。 納⾖は藁に⼊ったものを選ぶのが久さんのこだわり。
健康を考えたとき、まず自分でできることは運動と食事への配慮。 運動は好きなスポーツを選べば遊びの延長として楽しめるけど、食事はハードルが高い。 カロリーや栄養のことを学ばないとだめな気がする。 どうですか、久さん。
「カラダは口から入れたものでできています。だから私は食にこだわっています。基本は、粗食です」。でも、肉はおいしいし、ラーメンはやめられない、辛いものも好きだし、ビールはうまい。 健康診断の際、コレステロール値でひっかかり再検査になっても、食事の改善はなかなかできない。
でも、それでも食べてしまったらデトックスをする。 「そうですね。 摂ってしまったら出すことです。そのためにも毎⾷、発酵⾷品を⾷べることをおすすめします」。そういえば発酵食品の専門店をいろんなところで見かける。 みんな大好きですよね。
Today’s wisdom for good health: If you eat something unhealthy, detox.
Even knowing additives are harmful, they’re hard to avoid. If you can’t maintain a perfect diet, opt for fermented foods.”
For good health, start with exercise and a mindful diet. Exercise can be fun if you pick a sport you enjoy, but managing your diet can be tough—it feels like you need to learn about calories and nutrition. What do you think, Yuko?
“We are what we eat, which is why I’m particular about diet. The basics are simple, plain meals.”
But meat is delicious, ramen is irresistible, I love spicy food, and beer is great. Even if I get flagged for high cholesterol and need a retest, it’s hard to change my diet.”As I mentioned earlier, you should question easily accessible foods. Some instant foods may taste good, but always check for additives. Also, be cautious of foods with strong flavors.”
But if you still eat something unhealthy, detox. “Exactly. If you consume something harmful, it’s important to flush it out. That’s why I recommend fermented foods.” Speaking of which, I’ve noticed fermented food stores popping up everywhere. Everyone seems to love them, right?
“They must suit the Japanese body well, which is why they’ve been eaten consistently since ancient times. Now, their taste and benefits are widely recognized abroad and have become popular. Fermented foods are incredibly versatile—they preserve food, enhance flavor, and promote health. From soy sauce, miso, and vinegar to yogurt, cheese, and kimchi, they all taste great. Plus, they help remove harmful cholesterol bacteria, improve gut health, boost metabolism, provide antioxidants, and reduce stress. They’re truly beneficial.” To improve your health, fermented foods are a great place to start—and they’re delicious.

2024.11/2(sat.) 11:00~13:30(休憩30分)
休憩時間は⾝体のお悩み相談をお受けします。《参加費 6,000円》
東京都中央区⽇本橋⼈形町3-4-13⽇本橋⽯⽥ビル2F (主催 ⼀般社団法⼈⽇本ホリスティックウェルネス協会)
Feature | 2024.09.20

麹にこだわり抜く「MURO」。その名前の由来は、麹を製造する「麹室(こうじむろ)」。“KOJIを通じて、人々の健康や豊かな食に貢献する” をコンセプトに麹の研究・開発から商品化、そして販売まで手がけている。しかし、なぜ麹に特化したのか、MUROの運営母体である株式会社コラゾンの代表取締役である大村智則さんに聞いてみた。「麹がカラダにいいことは広く知られ、人気もありました。しかし、ブランディングはされていませんでした。それはもったいないと思い、麹の研究から商品開発までを行い、ブランド化に着手しました」。
MUROの店内には様々な種類の甘酒がある。ゆずやかぼす、リンゴやブルーベリーなど知らなかった甘酒の味、そしてどれもおいしい。おすすめは有機玄米と麹を掛け合わせた玄米甘酒「Bioene」とスッキリ飲みやすいと評判の「KOJI DRINK A」。
MURO, taking koji a step beyond.
Koji has become KOJI, a popular drink that is nutritious as well as delicious.
MURO is a shop dedicated to koji, named after the koji-muro room where koji is produced. Following the concept of “Contributing to people’s health and rich food culture through KOJI,” MURO manages everything from koji research and development to commercialization and sales. But why focus on koji? I asked Tomonori Omura, CEO of Corazón Corporation, which operates MURO. “Although koji was well-known for its health benefits, it had never been branded. I thought that was a missed opportunity, so we began branding it, along with research and product development.”
MURO primarily offers rice koji amazake, often called a “drinkable IV drip” due to its rich nutrients and reputed health and beauty benefits. “Amazake tends to evoke specific memories for people. Some might find it smelly or dislike its unique flavor. That’s why we focused heavily on improving the taste. If it doesn’t taste good, people won’t drink it.”
The MURO store offers a variety of amazake flavors like yuzu, kabosu, apple, and blueberry—flavors I never knew existed, and all are delicious. Recommended options include Bioene, a brown rice amazake made with organic brown rice and koji, and KOJI DRINK A, known for its refreshing taste. In addition to amazake, rice koji seasonings are also popular. “There are many types, such as salt koji, soy sauce koji, and garlic koji. For example, tomato koji can be used in Italian dishes. Just a small amount enhances the five basic tastes—sweetness, saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and umami—making dishes incredibly flavorful. Even inexpensive meat becomes tender and tastes premium.”
And most importantly, koji is good for the body. “The Japanese have long understood the benefits of fermented foods like koji. Miso shops along highways existed to nourish travelers. Now, the world is beginning to recognize the value of koji. From Noma in Copenhagen, once named the world’s best restaurant, to many other restaurants in Europe and the Americas, fermented foods like koji are gaining popularity.”
Koji has a bright future. “Its taste and health benefits continue to reveal new surprises. It could even help address modern issues like allergies, lifestyle diseases, and extending healthy life expectancy. That’s why we will keep pushing forward with koji research, development, and commercialization.”
MURO’s mission to evolve koji for health and taste goes on.