Feature | 2024.05.23

A welcoming space where Japanese and Western aesthetics merge.
Yokohama boast a long and storied history of hospitality. Following the Treaty of Kanagawa, it opened its port in 1859, becoming a major trading hub and attracting numerous visitors from abroad. In an era when foreigners were still rare, the people of Yokohama, through trial and error, extended traditional Japanese hospitality to these guests.
Accommodations play a crucial role in hospitality. After lengthy sea voyages, travelers needed a place to rest and experience Japan’s exotic charm. The Hotel New Grand became the epitome of superlative hospitality.
Founded in 1927, the hotel emerged as a symbol of Yokohama’s quest to recover from the Great Kanto Earthquake. Early on, it hosted distinguished foreign guests like Charlie Chaplin, the king of comedy, and baseball legend Babe Ruth. Post-World War II, the hotel was requisitioned by the GHQ, and notably hosted General MacArthur.
After reopening in 1952 during Japan’s rapid economic growth, the hotel saw an increase in Japanese guests. Embodying Yokohama’s image of luxury, it became favored by business leaders and celebrities, and even featured in a song by Southern All Stars, becoming popular even among young people today.
In 1991, a modern tower wing was added alongside the classical main building. Renovations in 2004 and 2007 updated the guest rooms and lobby, respectively, with care taken to preserve the original character as much as possible, creating a space that is both classical and modern and allowing visitors to feel the layers of time.
A key architectural feature of the Hotel New Grand is the grand staircase leading to the second-floor lobby of the main building, a space rich with historical discoveries.


本館に入るとまず、階段がある。ホテルニューグランドのシンボル的存在の大階段だ。 そのまま2階ザ・ロビーへと急いではいけない。この階段をじっくり眺めると、両サイドにフルーツバスケットのオブジェがあるのに気づく。 これは海外のホテルによくあるウエルカムフルーツで、おもてなしの心があらわされている。手摺りのタイルも味がある。イタリア製の手焼きのタイルで一枚一枚、特注されたもの。使用される部分に合わせて湾曲したものや菱形のものなど、さまざまなバリエーションがある。 青みを帯びた美しい色合い。 つるんとしていたり、ちょっとざらつきがあったり、触感もそれぞれ違い、手で触れたときの多彩な味わいが楽しめる。
階段を上がりながら天井へと視線を移すと、そこにあるのは天女奏楽の図が織られたタペストリー。 ん?! ヨーロッパなイメージのホテルニューグランド、なのに天女? さらにタペストリー近くのアーチのなかにもやはり、和風の紋様がある。天井から下がっている照明も和のテイスト。和紙でできていて、僧侶が修行する伽藍にあるようなデザインになっている。
Japanese and Asian influences emerge from the details.
“God is in the details,” said the German modernist architect Mies van der Rohe, words that apply well to the Hotel New Grand.
Observing the main building’s exterior and stepping inside, one is struck by its classical European style. The place is filled with romance and one can sense the traffic of people from overseas since olden times.
Upon entering the main building, you are greeted by the grand staircase, an iconic symbol of the Hotel New Grand. Take a moment to appreciate its beauty rather than hurrying to the second-floor lobby. Each side of the staircase features a fruit basket sculpture on each side, a nod to the welcome fruits commonly found in international hotels, symbolizing hospitality. The handrails are adorned with hand-fired Italian tiles, custom-made in various shapes, some curved, others diamond-shaped, each carefully placed and uniquely textured, contributing to the overall aesthetic with their beautiful bluish hues.
As you ascend the stairs and look up to the ceiling, you will see tapestries with scenes of oriental celestial maidens playing music, a surprise in this European-style hotel. The arches by the tapestries also feature Japanese-style motifs. The hanging lights, made of washi paper and designed after those found in Buddhist monasteries, also have Japanese flair.
Thus looking closely, you will come upon various Japanese and Eastern elements, each meticulously crafted. A great many foreign guests likely have felt the exotic charm of this place. The main building of the Hotel New Grand is thus infused with a welcoming spirit visible in its details.

素晴らしいのは空間だけではない。 そこに置かれている家具は「横浜家具」という希少なもの。 その昔、横浜に住んでいた外国人が、自分たちが使っている洋家具の修理を横浜の家具職人に依頼した。そうするうちに家具職人たちは洋家具がもつ曲線や装飾の美しさを知り、 その造りなどをおぼえ、やがて自分たちで洋家具を造作するようになる。 それが「横浜家具」と呼ばれ、いまでは価値あるものになっている。
海外からの旅行客は日本やアジアのテイストに心が躍り、 日本の旅行客はヨーロピアンな雰囲気にうっとりとする。 和洋折衷な設えで旅情をかきたて、旅人を上質にもてなす空間。 ホテルニューグランドには迎賓の心が息づいている。
Exotic charm that stirs the hearts of travelers.
The main building of the Hotel New Grand was designed by Jin Watanabe, known for his work on the National Museum and the Wako building in Ginza. Watanabe aimed to capture Yokohama’s spirit of travel, a theme that resonates throughout the second-floor lobby.
Ascending the grand staircase, you enter a spacious area with a ceiling height of about 5 meters, featuring large windows that overlook a ginkgo tree-lined avenue and the blue sea beyond. Here, time seems to pause, immersing visitors in the emotional depth of their journey. This is a space where one can truly savor the joy of being in Yokohama.
The splendor extends to the furniture, a rare kind known as “Yokohama furniture.” Historically, foreigners living in Yokohama had their Western furniture repaired by local craftsmen, who became acquainted with the beautiful curves and decorations of Western furniture, learned its construction, and eventually started making their own pieces. Yokohama furniture is now quite valuable.
Among the furniture, the chair known as the King’s Chair stands out with its regal presence and presence fit for royalty. Adorned with symbols of Nike, the goddess of victory, its armrests are rumored to bring good luck to those who touch them. Although the chair originally cost as much as a luxury car, now anyone can casually sit on it.
This space is also sprinkled with Japanese and Asian touches. The mahogany pillars are topped with candleholders depicting Benzaiten, the walls feature Kama Sutra reliefs, and the hanging lights bear the tomoe crest. The high level of harmony between the Japanese and Western elements makes this a unique space.
Travelers from abroad are thrilled by the Japanese and Asian elements, while Japanese visitors are drawn to the European ambiance. This eclectic mix of design elements ignites wanderlust and offers refined hospitality, embodying the Hotel New Grand’s welcoming spirit to all guests.

料金 ¥6,704(税込・サービス料込)
提供店舗 本館1階 ロビーラウンジ ラ・テラス
