旅する餃子 -イタリア編-






Senior Art Director/Graphic Designer/Foods Stylist
アートディレクター、フードスタイリストとして活動する傍ら2024年にはDe-De GYOZAもスタート。

Instagram : marikomog
web : http://de-de.co


みなさんご存知のとおり、 イタリアは南北に細長く、ブーツのようなカタチをしている。 地方により料理もさまざま。 ナポリなどの南イタリアではオリーブやトマトをよく使う。 一方、北イタリアでは隣接するフランスやスイスのようにバターや生クリームを使った料理が多いという。 さらに地中海に面する地域では魚介類も多く、ニンニクやオリーブオイルをたっぷり使う。
そんなイタリアでは小麦の皮に具材を包む料理をよく見かける。 日本でもよく食べられているラビオリもそう。 ちなみにイタリアのパスタはデュラム・セモリナ粉という硬質粉を使う。 この粉は生地に弾力を与え、モチモチにしてくれる。

Italian cuisine is so diverse!

Italy, stretching thin north to south and shaped like a boot, has cuisine that varies by region. In southern Italy, especially Naples, many dishes use olives and tomatoes.
In contrast, northern Italian cuisine, influenced by France and Switzerland, often uses butter and cream. And mediterranean coastal regions focus on seafood, with generous use of garlic and olive oil.
So Italian cuisine is incredibly diverse—and all of it is delicious!
In Italy, many dishes involve wrapping ingredients in dough, like ravioli, which is popular in Japan. Italian pasta is made from durum semolina flour, a hard wheat that gives it elasticity and a chewy texture.
With Italy's rich variety of dishes, what if dumplings joined the mix? Chef Matsui let her imagination run wild, creating a dish full of seasonal flavors.


包み方はラビオリのように。2枚の皮でチーズを閉じ込め、セクルク型で成形。そうしてできた餃子を、きのことパンチェッタをソテーした旨味が残るフラパンで焼く。お皿に盛り付けて、グラナ パダーノとイタリアンパセリを振りかけてできあがり。
〜Goditi il tuo cibo!〜

Savor the flavors of autumn with an Italian twist.

For this dish, Matsui creates ravioli-like dumplings filled with sautéed mushrooms and cheese.
In Italy, especially Tuscany, mushrooms are a staple. Markets brim with rare fungi that are used in countless dishes. Porcini is a famous example.
Matsui sautés six types of mushrooms—shiitake, pink shiitake, wild enoki, yanagimatsutake, maitake, and button mushrooms—with pancetta and garlic in olive oil. The simple seasoning highlights the natural saltiness and umami of the mushrooms, cheese, and pancetta. The filling comes in two varieties: Gorgonzola with walnuts, and ricotta cheese with Italian parsley.
The dumpling wrappers are made with a dough of durum wheat semolina, mixed with a bit of strong flour for a chewy texture.
The dumplings are shaped like ravioli, with two sheets of dough enclosing the cheese filling, sealed with a fluted mold. They are pan-fried in the flavorful pan juices from the sautéed mushrooms and pancetta, then plated and topped with grated Grana Padano and Italian parsley.
Goditi il tuo cibo!
The mushrooms are exquisite, with the taste of autumn in every bite. The simple seasoning of pancetta and cheese is perfect, creating a richness without excess. Each ingredient highlights the others' umami. Even Italians would surely enjoy this dish.