Feature | 2024.10.25

映画館が好きだ。 愛しているといってもいい。 家のテレビ画面ではこの気持ちの昂ぶりは起こらない。 なんど体験しても特別な場所、それが映画館。
映画への愛にあふれた作品は多くある。名作どころではフェリーニの「8 1/2」やトリュフォーの「アメリカの夜」、邦画なら「蒲田行進曲」、比較的最近ではチャゼルの「バビロン」もそう。チャゼルは「ラ・ラ・ランド」もジャック・ドゥミへのオマージュが満載の、きらきら楽しい、映画への愛にあふれた名作だった。これらはもちろん、映画館で見られてきた映画へ捧げられている。
「人生は祭りだ、ともに生きよう」といったのは「8 1/2」の主人公グイド。 まさに映画とはそういうこと。 人生の祭りを楽しみ、ともに生きる人が映画館にいる。さぁ、映画館に行こう。見たい一本を見つけて、映画の世界に没入する。 そうして行きつけの映画館をつくれば、人生は楽しく広がっていく。
Even with TV and computer access to films old and new, the theater experience—with its big screen, powerful sound, and immersive atmosphere—remains unique.And theaters have evolved, offering a wide range of services and amenities to cater to every taste. Whether it’s a classic or the latest hit, if a movie piques your interest, head to a theater.
When was the last time you visited a movie theater?
In the lobby, some people lean against the walls, others hold popcorn or flip through pamphlets. As the doors open, your anticipation rises. You find your seat, sink into it, and as the trailers roll by, your excitement builds. Finally, the main feature begins with the title sequence, and you’re transported. There’s nothing like the big screen, immersive sound, and the feeling of being swept into a story.
I just love movie theaters. My TV at home can’t compare. Watching a film in a theater is always special.
Many films are an ode to this love for cinema. Classics like Fellini’s 8½ or Truffaut’s Day for Night, the Japanese filmFall Guy, and more recently, Chazelle’s Babylon all brim with love for the medium. Chazelle’s La La Land was a glittering homage to Jacques Demy, a film filled with joy and passion for cinema.
And then, there are films that radiate a pure love for the movie theater itself, like Cinema Paradiso. The small theater, which also serves as a church, where young Toto spent his days, bonding with the projectionist Alfredo, is a place of magic and connection and a key setting in the film.
Tokyo boasts a variety of cinemas, from ultra-premium venues with curated selections to universal design theaters accessible to everyone. There are lots of theaters worth visiting.
As Guido, the protagonist of 8½, said, “Life is a celebration; let’s live it together.” Isn’t that what movies are about? So head to the theater, find a film that speaks to you, and immerse yourself. Discovering a favorite movie theater will make your life more fun and fulfilling.

