Feature | 2025.1.24

訪日客たちに人気の新宿。ゴールデン街、思い出横丁、歌舞伎町といった場所に外国人たちが集まってくる。そんな新宿のなかで特に目を惹くのが「新宿カブキhall〜歌舞伎横丁」。ここは「恵比寿横丁」や「渋谷横丁」といった “横丁” ブームの仕掛け人である浜倉好宣さんが手がけた店。都内にいくつかある “横丁” のなかでもここ「歌舞伎横丁」では訪日客を多く見かける。どうしてなのか。そのあたりのことを浜倉好宣さんの長男で株式会社浜倉的商店製作所 カブキhall支配人の浜倉秀さんにおうかがいした。
そもそも海外のお客さんの割合はどれくらいですか。「今は6割は海外の方です。私どもの『歌舞伎横丁』がある『東急歌舞伎町タワー』は東急さんがエンターテインメントビルとしてつくったものでターゲットにはインバウンドの方も入っています。3階の『ナムコ アミューズメントコンプレックス』のアニメやキャラクターものは海外の方から人気で、そこから2階の『歌舞伎横丁』でお食事〜お酒というのが流れですね。あと、タワー上層階のホテルから下りてくるお客さまも多くいらっしゃいます」。
さまざまな食習慣をもった方がいらっしゃいます。トラブルはありませんか。「強いていうならば、お通しですね。お通しは日本の居酒屋特有の習慣。海外のお客さんのなかには “こんなの注文していないからお金は払いたくない” という方もいらっしゃいます。あとは時々ですが、定員が着ているハッピやビールメーカーのTシャツが欲しいとかジョッキは買えないかなどと言われることはあります。ハッピはその場で羽織ってもらい写真を撮って喜んでもらっています」。
Foreign visitors delight in places rich with Japanese essence,
where cuisine and festive traditions come together.
In Shinjuku’s lively Kabukicho district,
a cyber-inspired yokocho (alleyway) draws inbound tourists once again tonight.
Shinjuku remains a top destination, drawing crowds to places like Golden Gai, Omoide Yokocho, and Kabukicho. Among these, Shinjuku Kabuki Hall – Kabuki Yokocho, created by Yoshinobu Hamakura, the mastermind behind the yokocho boom with spots like Ebisu Yokocho and Shibuya Yokocho, stands out. What makes it so appealing, particularly among inbound tourists? We spoke with Shu Hamakura, son of Yoshinobu Hamakura and manager of Kabuki Hall at Hamakura Produce Inc., for insights. What percentage of your customers are from overseas? “Currently, 60% of our customers are from abroad. Our ‘Kabuki Yokocho’ is in the Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, an entertainment complex catering to inbound tourists. The third-floor ‘Namco Amusement Complex,’ with its anime and character-themed attractions, draws foreign visitors, who often dine and drink at the second-floor ‘Kabuki Yokocho.’ Many guests also come from the tower’s upper-floor hotels.” The interior design is striking, appealing even to Japanese visitors.”We showcase retro Showa-era yokocho culture, blending festivals and entertainment. The space is a next-generation entertainment food hall with various eateries offering dishes from Hokkaido to Kyushu, and even Korea.” What dishes are most popular among foreign visitors? “Wagyu, sushi, and tempura are natural favorites. Ramen, karaage, gyoza, and yakitori are also popular, with all four available at various eateries here.”
Given the variety of dietary habits, have there been any issues?
“If anything, it’s otoshi. This complimentary appetizer at izakayas can confuse foreign guests who say, ‘I didn’t order this and don’t want to pay for it.’ Occasionally, they ask to buy happi coats worn by the staff, beer-branded T-shirts, or mugs. We let them try on the happi coats for photos, which they enjoy.” What do you enjoy most about working with inbound tourists?”Sharing Japanese food and festival culture is a joy, but it’s the communication that stands out. Guests are curious about our festival-themed decorations and often ask about them or the menu. Our young staff confidently respond, using translation devices when needed. These connections are truly rewarding.”
Indeed, communication is vital in izakayas, and it’s inspiring to see it transcending borders.
“Most inbound tourists stay in Japan for one to two weeks. I hope they’ll visit Kabuki Yokocho at least once during their stay,” says Hamakura. With such passion, Shinjuku is sure to draw even more foreign visitors.

カブキhall支配人_浜倉 秀 氏

年中無休 ※年末年始も通常営業。
