Ippin Kikou|2024.05.23

住所 : 愛知県名古屋市昭和区広路町石坂29
TEL : 052-831-1585
営業時間 : 昼席/12:00~15:00・夜席/18:00~21:00
定休日 : 水曜日(10名様以上のご予約の場合は、応相談)
URL : https://www.hasshoukan.com/
多波良(オンラインショップ) : https://www.hasshoukan-tawara.com/

Just thirty minutes by subway from Nagoya Station, Hasshokan is nestled in Yagoto, once known for its villas. The culinary philosophy and hospitality of Kitaoji Rosanjin, along with seasonal ingredients from Ise Bay and Mikawa Bay, will make your time in this “mountain dwelling in the city” truly special. The essence of Japanese architecture shines throughout its twelve private rooms, each overlooking the garden. In 2019, Hasshokan earned two Michelin stars and the highest comfort rating. In 2020, the entire area, including the garden, was designated as a National Important Cultural Property.
* The photo represents an example of the summer menu.