Ippin Kikou|2024.05.23

住所 : 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-37-40 トラスト名古屋ビル1F
TEL : 052-304-8103
営業時間 : 11:00~19:00(L.O.18:30)
定休日 : 不定休
URL : https://kurin.gensg.jp/
オンラインショップ : https://gensg.shop-pro.jp/

Kurin is a Japanese chestnut Mont Blanc specialty shop that lets you enjoy Mont Blanc with all five senses. The shop pays attention not only to taste aspects like texture and smell, but also to ambient sounds so customers can relish their Mont Blanc like never before. Featuring two types of top-quality Japanese chestnuts, the Golden Mont Blanc and other beautiful Mont Blanc creations are carefully made right before your eyes, offering the rich aroma and flavor of Japanese chestnuts.