Ippin Kikou|2024.06.21

住所 : 大阪府羽曳野市飛鳥1104
TEL : 072-956-2020
営業時間 : 10:00~17:00
定休日 : 土曜日・祝日
URL : https://www.asukawine.co.jp/
オンラインショップ : https://asukawine.co.jp/shop/

Asuka Wine cultivates grapes in its vineyard with ideal conditions: abundant sunlight, stable climate, and well-drained soil. They grow about 20 grape varieties, including Delaware, Muscat Bailey A, and Chardonnay, with minimal use of pesticides and herbicides. The entire process from cultivation to sales is handled in house. All grapes are certified as Osaka Eco Agricultural Products, ensuring their wines are environmentally friendly.