Ippin Kikou|2024.10.25

住所 : 福岡県福岡市中央区西中洲4-4 RIN FIRST 4F
TEL : 092-725-7336
営業時間 : ランチ11:30~14:00、
ディナー17:30~22:00(21:00 O.S)完全予約制
定休日 : 不定休、年末年始
URL : https://www.shiranita.co.jp/

Each dish is crafted from the finest ingredients and served on artisanal tableware personally sourced by Arima. This dedication to detail, paired with mastery of culinary fundamentals, offers an exquisite dining experience, highlighting seasonal vegetables and seafood with simple elegance. The restaurant has earned a Michelin star in two consecutive editions.