Ippin Kikou
URL: https://yukimuras.jp
オンラインストア: https://yukimura.official.ec
Yukimura is run by Chef Yukiharu Takahashi, who honed his skills at Spain’s El Bulli, famously known as the world’s hardest restaurant to book. The innovative dishes created by the chef, who started out in Japanese cuisine and cultivated a new talent for Spanish cuisine, create flavors balanced on a fine edge where ingredients and techniques are finely directed, and are sure to become memorable experiences by subconsciously engaging all five senses. Enjoy a unique perspective that delves into the essence of taste and the nature of cooking.
Yukimura is run by Chef Yukiharu Takahashi, who honed his skills at Spain’s El Bulli, famously known as the world’s hardest restaurant to book. The innovative dishes created by the chef, who started out in Japanese cuisine and cultivated a new talent for Spanish cuisine, create flavors balanced on a fine edge where ingredients and techniques are finely directed, and are sure to become memorable experiences by subconsciously engaging all five senses. Enjoy a unique perspective that delves into the essence of taste and the nature of cooking.
e.(イーピリオド)e period
定休日: 火曜日・水曜日
URL: http://www.cuisine-e.jp
Nestled quietly opposite the Ryokusuian teahouse in a back alley of Katahira, and recognizable by its white walls and double doors, is e. period. Here, Hiroyoshi Chiba, who trained in one of Tokyo’s premier Japanese restaurants before studying modern French cuisine, explores the boundless possibilities of free-style cooking. The courses reveal a playful mix of Japanese and Western plates, embodying the proprietor’s philosophy of precision down to the last 0.1 millimeter, offering dishes brimming with uncompromising beauty and delicacy. e. period has earned a Michelin star in the Miyagi guide.
Nestled quietly opposite the Ryokusuian teahouse in a back alley of Katahira, and recognizable by its white walls and double doors, is e. period. Here, Hiroyoshi Chiba, who trained in one of Tokyo’s premier Japanese restaurants before studying modern French cuisine, explores the boundless possibilities of free-style cooking. The courses reveal a playful mix of Japanese and Western plates, embodying the proprietor’s philosophy of precision down to the last 0.1 millimeter, offering dishes brimming with uncompromising beauty and delicacy. e. period has earned a Michelin star in the Miyagi guide.
farmer's café corrot.
営業時間:11:00~17:00 定休日: 水曜日・第三木曜日
蔵王鶏園は宮城県の外れにある緑豊かな田舎町、蔵王町で創業65年を迎える養鶏場。鶏は一日の約半分をしっかりと休眠させて産卵数を減らすことで鶏のストレスを減らし、すべての鶏が幸せに暮らせる飼育体制を整えています。その結果、一つ一つに栄養が濃縮された濃厚で香り高い卵の味に到達することが出来ました。この味を多く人に知ってもらうべく令和のはじめとともにcafe corrot.もスタート。現在ではメルカリでの販売実績が約5千件に到達している他、ふるさと納税にて卵やギフトセットの全国発送も行っています。
Zao Chicken Farm, which celebrates 65 years of operation, is nestled in the lush countryside of Zao, a town on the outskirts of Miyagi Prefecture. The farm has established a breeding system where chickens are allowed to rest half the day to reduce egg production, which greatly lowers chicken stress. This approach has resulted in eggs that are nutritionally rich, dense, and aromatic. With the onset of the Reiwa era, café corrot was launched to share this taste with many people. It has reached about 5,000 sales on Mercari and offers nationwide shipping for eggs and gift sets via the Furusato Nozei scheme and online sales.
Zao Chicken Farm, which celebrates 65 years of operation, is nestled in the lush countryside of Zao, a town on the outskirts of Miyagi Prefecture. The farm has established a breeding system where chickens are allowed to rest half the day to reduce egg production, which greatly lowers chicken stress. This approach has resulted in eggs that are nutritionally rich, dense, and aromatic. With the onset of the Reiwa era, café corrot was launched to share this taste with many people. It has reached about 5,000 sales on Mercari and offers nationwide shipping for eggs and gift sets via the Furusato Nozei scheme and online sales.