Feature | 2025.2.24

世界トップクラスのクラウンである大棟耕介さん。最初はクラウンになるなんて思ってもいなかったという。「僕は大学をでて鉄道会社に就職しました。最初は駅員をしたのですが、その駅の利用者が1日6000人でした。じゃ、利用者全員の顔を覚えてやろうと思い立ち、ひとりひとりに “おはようございます” と挨拶をすることにしたんです。1日6000回の挨拶を続ける。すると “気持ちがいい” “通勤の気分が変わった” と評判になり、新聞に載りました。僕はただゲーム感覚でやっていたんですけどね。そんな遊び心はずっとありましたね」。
その後、鉄道会社を辞めてクラウンになる。「大学ではまわりに関西人が多くいました。関西人って衝撃的に面白い。それに対して、自分はつまらないんですよ、それはもう悲しいほどに。カラオケも歌えない、気の利いた宴会芸もできない。そんなダメな自分を変えたい、明るい人間になりたいと思っていたら “クラウン” というものが目に入ってきた。でも、これが一番向いてないと思いました」。クラウンの芸が恥ずかしいと思っていた大棟さんは、でも苦手なことに取り組むこともありかと、クラウンの勉強を始める。
いまでは名古屋にスタジオを、東京にオフィスをかまえて活動。「クラウンファミリー・プレジャーB」という日本最大のクラウンチームを率いてテーマパークやイベント会場、学校などでの公演や小さなテントサーカスも行っている。さらにクラウンやジャグリングなどの講座も主催、2004年からは世界からクラウンが集う「WORLD CLOWN FESTIVAL of JAPAN」を開催。またTV取材も多く著書も多数。クラウンで培ったコミュニケーション能力をビジネスに活かすための企業向けの研修も実施している。
Wanting to reinvent himself,
he became the world’s top clown without even realizing it.
Kosuke Omune entered the world of clowning to transform his dull self.
In the end, it may have been his true calling.
Now a world-renowned clown, Kosuke Omune never expected this path. “After university, I joined a railway company. My first job was as a station attendant, and the station served 6,000 passengers a day. I decided to memorize each face and greet each person with a ‘Good morning.’ I kept up 6,000 greetings a day, and soon people said it brightened their commute, and I even made the newspaper. For me, it was just a game—I’ve always had a playful spirit.”
Later, he left the railway company and became a clown. “At university, I was surrounded by Kansai people, who are incredibly funny. By contrast, I was painfully boring. I couldn’t sing karaoke or perform witty party tricks. I wanted to change, to be more outgoing, and that’s when I discovered clowning. But I thought this was the least suited to me.” Omune initially found clowning embarrassing, but decided to face his discomfort and started learning the craft.
“I have good motor skills, so I picked up juggling and acrobatics quickly. But mastering authentic clown performance was much harder.” Through steady effort, he eventually became the world’s top clown.”Clowns oversee the entire show, earning respect—and often the highest pay in a circus. Clowns are seen differently in Europe and America. In Europe, clowns are artists; in America, they are entertainers. I won gold and silver medals at the WCA in the U.S. and was inducted into their hall of fame. Today, Omune runs a studio in Nagoya and an office in Tokyo. He leads “Clown Family Pleasure B,” Japan’s largest clown team, performing at theme parks, events, schools, and small tent circuses. He also hosts clowning and juggling workshops and since 2004 has organized the “WORLD CLOWN FESTIVAL of JAPAN”, attracting clowns from around the globe. He also appears on TV, writes books, and conducts corporate training, applying clowning techniques to communication and business. With his many talents, Omune enchants children and pushes the boundaries of clowning.


病室にいる子どもには1対1でパフォーマンスをする。そのとき大切なのは、その子の興味を探りだし、引きだすこと。「いわゆるアンテナ能力が必要です。そしてこちらも子どもになって、友だち関係をつくる。すると相手の子も子どもらしさを取り戻すんです。次に僕たちが行くのを心待ちにしてくれるから、もうやめられませんよ。でもビジネスとしては厳しい。クラウンたちにはギャラを払い、やればやるほど赤字。『ぼちぼち コツコツ 淡々と』というのが僕のキャッチコピーなんですが、そうやって続けています」。
Bringing laughter to children in hospital beds:
The mission of hospital clowns.
Some clowns skip the circus and amusement parks, bringing the gift of laughter to children in hospitals instead.
Hospital clowns uplift young patients through humor. Robin Williams’ Patch Adams introduced the world to the concept, and Koichi Omune has made it his life’s mission. “In 2003, at a WCA convention in the U.S., I joined a hospital visit activity. I quickly realized that there was no space for juggling in hospital rooms, and I couldn’t use balloons because some children had latex allergies—I was unable to perform at all. I was devastated that I had come to cheer up sick children but couldn’t do anything, so I started studying hospital clowning.” Omune later attended a clown camp at the University of Wisconsin, where he immersed himself in hospital clowning in a culture where clowns are even part of home parties. Back in Japan, Omune launched hospital clowning in 2004 and established an NPO in 2006. “Hospital clowning requires time, funding, and skill. Poor performance is unfair to the children. It also requires hospital-specific knowledge and backup clowns if someone falls ill. Only with all these elements can we earn hospitals’ trust. This work demands strong management, and I believe my group is the only one in Japan capable of doing it right.”
Omune stresses that hospital clowning isn’t just about love and peace—it requires real professionalism. “We take this work seriously. What started in one Nagoya hospital has grown to 96 nationwide, with a team of about 150 clowns.” In hospital rooms, clowns perform one-on-one, drawing out each child’s interests. “You need keen awareness. We become kids ourselves, forming real friendships, and in turn, children regain their joy. They start looking forward to our visits, making it impossible for us to stop this work. But financially, it’s tough—we pay our clowns, so the more we perform, the deeper we go into the red. My motto is ‘slowly, steadily, and consistently,’ and that’s how I keep going.” Of all his hospital visits, New Year’s Day is especially meaningful. “Most patients go home, and many doctors and nurses are off, leaving hospitals eerily quiet and even lonelier. That’s why I perform on January 1st. For fun, I dress as Santa and burst in with a loud ‘Merry Christmas!’ The kids are stunned—then they smile. In that moment, nothing else matters. They forget their illness and simply feel joy.” For Omune, hospital clowning is a year-round dedication.


To Tohoku, Noto, and Ukraine:
Omune the Clown travels across Japan and the world.
What disaster areas and war zones need is energy,
and what brings energy is laughter.
Clowns take action. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, Omune went to Fukushima and Miyagi. When the Noto Peninsula earthquake hit, he rushed to Ishikawa with his red nose and colorful costume. “I’ve visited Fukushima and Miyagi many times—the kids always looked forward to it. Last year, I went to Noto over four times. I hadn’t expected so few children and so many elderly people, but everyone was happy to see us.” Omune’s work extends beyond Japan. “I frequently travel to Europe and the U.S. to study or compete. If I find an inspiring artist, I sometimes invite them to Japan. I even went to Russia with Patch Adams, the real-life figure behind the film. Learning alongside a top hospital clown was an unforgettable experience.” And then, Omune went to Ukraine. “Between 2008 and 2013, I visited Ukraine about six times. Before Russia’s 2014 invasion, I had also traveled to Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.” Naturally, his focused was pediatric wards. “I was the only hospital performer there at the time. I photographed children’s smiles in each country and held an exhibition—because a child’s smile knows no borders. Until 2013, pediatric wards in all three nations were filled with the same joy.”
Then, the Russian invasion of Ukraine intensified. “I had friends there and was deeply concerned. So I flew to Poland to perform for Ukrainian refugees. Two years ago in July, I went directly to Ukraine and returned last September. My mission hasn’t changed—to bring even a little joy to the children in those hospitals. I don’t understand war, but regardless of country or race, a clown’s job is to make struggling children smile.”Ukraine, Palestine, Central Africa, Congo, Libya—conflicts rage across the world. Visiting every war zone isn’t realistic, but will you keep bringing smiles? “Honestly, I don’t really want to go. There’s no pay, and travel costs add up. I’m a business owner—I need to make revenue. Ideally, I’d take jobs that actually pay.” Clearly, this is just Omune’s way of deflecting—or perhaps another Clown K joke. Kosuke Omune, a.k.a. Clown K, will keep spreading smiles—across Japan and beyond.
