
Feature | 2024.04.24


Let’s get the party started! Invite your favorite friends and those who have always taken care of you, and entertain them with masterful dishes. Spending a lively time together all together is happiness. Precious moments are born from such occasions.
Mariko Matsui, the well-known chef who writes the Traveling Dumplings series for yoff, is a party lover too.
The theme of the party she has planned this time is “sharing.” “Parties are often held to celebrate birthdays and other occasions. But this time, unfortunately, I didn’t have any friends whose birthday it was. Still wanting to have a party, I decided on the theme of “sharing,”” says Matsui.

“Sharing,” in other words, enjoying something with others, is fun. Two is better than one, and even more is better. Singing in a choir rather than alone, when rhythm and harmony perfectly align, in other words “sharing,” produces a dopamine rush and a sense of bliss. Singing the Ninth together at year end is also a kind of party.
“At any party, I want everyone to be comfortable. So, naturally keeping the house clean is important. The party starts the moment you enter the front door, so give your guests a warm welcome. It might also be good to have a few good jokes ready to keep the atmosphere from getting too stuffy.” Got it. Now, let’s head to the table! Matsui’s exceptional dishes are waiting.



株式会社De-De / Senior Art Director / Graphic Designer / Foods Stylist
1994年渡米、大学でグラフィックデザインを学びBachelor of Fine Art(美術学士)を取得。
広告制作会社を経て2015年独立。アートディレクター、フードスタイリストとして活動する傍ら2024年にはDe-De GYOZAもスタート。


Today’s party features dishes served on large platters, to be shared and enjoyed by everyone, in line with the theme of “sharing.” “While individual plates are nice, serving on large platters makes the table more festive. The dishes should be placed so that they can be easily accessed from all around the table.”
Let’s dive into the menu. We start with Grilled Oyster Mushroom Broth capturing the seasonal essence and irresistible texture of oyster mushrooms. The Yellow Carrot Tortilla is a Spanish omelet with just the right sweetness from yellow carrots. Anno sweet potato gnocchi with a delicious Savoy spinach cream sauce that is not as sweet as might be expected. Slow Cooked Daikon and Uzumaki Beets with their pink and white spiral pattern, cooked to fragrant perfection. Rapeseed Flowers Wrapped in Roast Beef, a delicacy of seasonal rapeseed flowers blanched and wrapped in roast beef; Yamato Mana Stew, introducing a traditional vegetable from Nara that belongs to the same family as Japanese mustard spinach and Chinese cabbage,
with a mildly sweet taste and a distinctive flavor. Sunchoke Fries consisting of lightly flavored sunchokes with Anno potatoes, served as a side for the main dish of roast pork; Watercress and Green Apple Salmon Fresh Spring Rolls, a pure marriage of flavors from the various unseasoned ingredients. And Dry-cured Ham and Oboro Kelp Rice Balls, revealing an inventive mix of tastes.
Matsui seasons her dishes simply with dashi, salt, or vinegar to enhance the vegetables’ natural flavors.
“Spring vegetables are often quite bitter, and they peak in taste in May and June, so I adjust the seasoning with the seasons. Moreover, the taste of vegetables depends also on the growing region, so I carefully select them by origin.” Matsui’s commitment to delicious, thoughtfully prepared dishes attests to her passion for hosting.


Hosting a Smart Party Without Food Waste.
Even the most vibrant party comes to a close, leaving the bittersweet sight of leftovers on the table—a reminder of the challenge of food waste. Matsui approaches this with creativity. “As the party winds down, I craft sandwiches from the leftovers. This time, roast pork, tender baby leaves, and shredded carrot between country bread slices became parting gifts for guests. Occasionally, they make my next day’s lunch. It’s a delightful memento of the fun,” she shares. Serving on large platters is another strategy to minimize leftovers.
To reduce food waste, Matsui employs innovative tactics with dishes like Roast Pork, the main dish this time, by using leftover condiments for the marinade. “This time, the marinade included bay leaves, black pepper, Japanese pepper, maple syrup, Tabasco, vinegar, sweet bean sauce, thyme, and allspice. Combining these distinct flavors results in a harmonious blend, a little bit like ‘We Are The World’ by Michael Jackson, Cyndi Lauper, Bob Dylan, and others. Despite their strong individual character, the result is a beautifully cohesive hit song.
Blending various spices produces a taste that’s familiar yet novel, an exclusive experience that’s unique to each occasion.” How ingenious to mix spices that otherwise might have been discarded to create unique flavors!
From a warm welcome to lively interactions and ending with minimal waste, such parties provide memorable moments and an eco-friendly approach that makes them even more enjoyable.






