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今号の「yoff」では “空間” を特集。しかもとても私的で、ちょっと知的な空間の話をセレクト。

Inviting you to find new favorite spaces.

Everyone likely has a favorite space, whether it’s their room, a usual cafe, or a nearby park. Recently, the concept of "third places," separate from homes and workplaces, is sparking interest.
This issue of yoff features these spaces, focusing on very personal and somewhat intellectual places.
Learn about the philosopher-architect Seiichi Shirai at the Shoto Museum of Art in Shibuya, and experience the hospitality of the classic Hotel New Grand in Yokohama. Then, wander through imaginary spaces in photographs.
Additionally, our popular Traveling Dumplings series imagines dumplings in Spain.
Delve into this issue of yoff, where you might just find your new favorite space while looking, reading, and learning.