






詩は、おもしろい。そして、詩はことばを自由にし、ことばはわたしたちを自由にする。20篇の詩を通して、詩人斉藤倫と楽しみ、考える、詩のことそしてことばのこと。( 斉藤 倫 著・高野文子 画 / 出版社:福音館書店)

"Boku ga Yubi wo Pachinto Narashite, Kimi ga Otona ni Naru Mae no Shishū" A book with insights into language and communication, for upper elementary students to grownups.
Poetry is fun. It liberates words, and words liberate us. Through 20 poems, poet Michi Saito invites us to enjoy and reflect on the essence of poetry and words.
Written by : Michi Saito ・ Illustrated by : Fumiko Takano Publisher : Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers



物の売買を巡る状況が刻々と変化しているいま、物の価値をひとつずつひろいあげる珠玉のエッセイ集。ゆらぎ続ける世界のはざまで生きのびる方法をケレン味のない筆致で綴る。( 三品輝起 著 /出版社:晶文社 )

"Namiuchigawa no Mono wo Sagashi ni"
A view of Japanese consumer society through the eyes of a curio shop owner, for those tired of buying and selling on flea market apps. In a time when changing dynamics of buying and selling, this essay collection ponders the value of things. It describes in a simple writing style ways to survive in a constantly shifting world.
Written by : Teruki Mishina / Publisher: Shobunsha





印刷・製本・流通までを一貫して行う会社による雑誌。最新号の特集は「伝わらないから伝えたい言語のふしぎ」。言語は「伝わらないもの」という考えを前提に、だからこそ雑誌全体で伝えてみようという試みが行われている。( 出版社:NEUTRAL COLORS )

A magazine only true enthusiasts could create. A magazine by a company handling everything from printing to binding to distribution. The latest issue's feature is "The Wonder of Languages: Wanting to Communicate What Can't Be." Based on the idea that language is inherently untranslatable, it's an attempt to convey meaning through the entire magazine. Publisher: NEUTRAL COLORS



新しい価値観で、60年代のアメリカ社会に揺さぶりをかけた対抗文化の担い手たちは、どこからやってきて、どこへ行ったのか? ヒッピーカルチャーの栄枯盛衰を振り返りながら「まんが」でわかりやすく解き明かした。 (出版社:エディトリアル・デパートメント)

"Hippī no Kyōkasho"
A book that will transform your view of hippies. Where did the counterculture leaders who shook up American society in the 1960s with their new values come from, and where did they go? This book explains the rise and fall of hippie culture through manga. Publisher:Editorial Department





やんちゃな子グマのくんちゃんは、渡り鳥のまねをして南の国へゆきたいと思った。でも、双眼鏡、麦わらぼうし、水筒など、支度が大変で出発できない!幼い子どもの冒険をあたたかく素朴に描きます。(ドロシー・マリノ 文 と 絵・石井桃子 訳 /出版社:岩波書店)

"Kunchan no Dairyōkō"
A picture book reminiscent of society during the COVID-19 pandemic, when we remembered forgotten things but could not go on trips. The mischievous little bear Kunchan wants to follow the migratory birds and travel to southern climes he can't leave because preparing items like binoculars, a straw hat, and a water bottle is so difficult!This book warmly and simply portrays the adventures of a young child.
Written and Illustrated by: Dorothy Marino Translated by: Momoko Ishii Publisher: Iwanami Shoten, Publishers



ある日まさおの帽子についていた何でも食べる青虫。紙屑やごみ、家や船、町や国、ついには主人公のまさおくんまで食べてしまいます。ところが、青虫くんのおなかの中で、まさおが見たものは……。(槇ひろし 作・前川欣三 画 /出版社:福音館書店)

"Kuishinbō no Aomushi-kun"
If a child asks you, "Why is the sky blue?" this is a book you should have them read.One day, a caterpillar that eats everything attaches itself to Masao's hat. It eats paper scraps, garbage, houses, ships, towns, and even countries, eventually consuming Masao himself. But what does Masao see inside the caterpillar's stomach...?
Written by: Hiroshi Maki Illustrated by: Kinzo Maekawa Publisher: Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers