
Feature | 2025.2.24


A story about how you can uplift people
around the world.

I’m doing great—
good food, perfect weather, work going well.
But I can’t help thinking about those who are struggling.
Some feel the same until they can’t stay still—
and then they act.
Some people put on clown makeup and
visit children battling illness.
Others travel to war zones abroad to
provide educational support for children.
For peace, for someone’s happiness,
they have to do something.
This issue of yoff showcases the efforts of such individuals.
May it inspire you to take action too.


A big, bright red nose, white makeup around the eyes and mouth,
and sometimes red or blonde hair—
what Japan calls a Pierrot is actually a clown.
Clowns juggle, walk on stilts, act silly, and spread laughter.
Among them, the world-renowned “Clown K,” Kosuke Omune, stands out.
Bringing joy across Japan and even to war-torn Ukraine,
his work reveals a world lit up by smiles.

Do you know what a clown is? With a red nose and colorful costume, they’re more than just Pierrot—a single role in the diverse world of clowns.Clowns, known for their comical acts and silly antics at circuses, amusement parks, and events, are most popular in Europe and the U.S. But Japan is home to one of the world’s leading clowns. His name is Kosuke Omune, a.k.a. “Clown K.” A top-class clown, Omune has won awards like the Gold Medal and Legacy of Laughter from the World Clown Association (WCA), a global organization dedicated to improving clowning standards.
Omune’s work extends beyond the circus—he lifts the spirits of sick children as a hospital clown and brings laughter to disaster zones like Tohoku, Noto, and war-torn Ukraine. Behind his playful persona lies unstoppable energy that takes him across Japan and the world.
When you think of clowns, you might picture them as melancholic or wistful figures. But “Clown K” is different. Omune scans the world for children in need and flies to their side. He juggles, inflates balloons, balances tables and chairs on his head (a signature skill), and uses playful words even more childlike than theirs to make them smile.I hope “Clown K’s” work inspires us to think about children and the world at large.

大棟 耕介(おおむねこうすけ)






