
Feature | 2024.07.24

[ 東京ジャーミイ・ディヤーナト トルコ文化センター ]


Prayers for life’s path are foundational for living.
Offering worship and prayers directly to God
in beautiful decorated, mystical spaces.
In a residential area stands the magnificent Tokyo Camii and Diyanet Turkish Culture Center, Japan’s largest mosque.
Its traditional Ottoman architecture and artistic arabesques attract a steady stream of visitors. On days of communal prayer, Muslims gather in the prayer hall to offer prayers to Allah.
“The first thing to notice is the beauty of this space,” says Shigeru Shimoyama, in charge of public relations and publications at the Center. The mosque’s interior boasts beautifully symmetrical divisions of space, intricate calligraphy, graceful chandeliers, and colorful stained glass, creating a mystical atmosphere. “The most beautiful part is the prayer hall, a space for prayer and for God.” Indeed, the dome has a divine beauty.
“I believe that worship and prayer differ. Worship expresses gratitude to God, while prayer makes requests. In Islam, without clergy, worshippers face God directly.” Islam is monotheistic, and in this sacred space, the prayer hall, one stands before the one and only God.
“In Islam, we recite the Quran. The Quran contains everything about living. I believe the Quran is a guidebook for life. It guides those who are lost in the long journey of life.” People are weak, so through worship and prayer, and by reading the Quran, they receive strength from God. Shimoyama says that this is why humility is important. “To nourish the body and soul, the body needs food, and the soul needs worship and prayer. These are essential for moving forward in life.”
The basics of living—that may be what worship and prayer in Islam are.

東京ジャーミイ・ディヤーナト トルコ文化センター






