



日本で古くから “気は病から、病は気から” といわれていることを考えると、私たちはずっとWell-beingを探ってきた。そしてそのときどきで様々な健康ブームが起きた。ある食材がカラダに良いとテレビで取り上げられれば品切れ状態になり、ある運動が効果的といわれるとみんなで飛びつく。もちろん健康意識が高いのは良いことだけど、一過性の流行で終わるものも多くある。

健康はファッションじゃない。そんな想いで世の中を見ていたのが久 優子さん。美脚トレーナー、ボディメンテナンスセラピスト、ビューティーライフアドバイザーといった多彩な肩書きをもつ彼女は、まとめていえば健やかな心身づくりを実践し、広めようとしている人。

Health and beauty are killer topics in TV and magazines.
However, some believe health isn’t a trend, and fragmented knowledge is ineffective.
What truly matters is understanding health as a whole and tapping into the body’s natural healing power.
Total health leads to true happiness.
Recently, the term "well-being" is commonly used. The term "well-being" has become common lately. It refers to physical, mental, and social well-being, often translated as "happiness." Initially, I thought it was just a trendy buzzword, but I was surprised to see it on the Digital Agency's website, where they aim to quantify and visualize it toward the realization of the Digital Garden City State concept. This feels a bit lofty and distant. Simply put, well-being means being healthy in both mind and body.
In Japan, the saying "a troubled mind brings illness, and illness troubles the mind" shows we've been exploring well-being for a long time. Various health trends come

shows we've been exploring well-being for a long time. Various health trends come and go. When a food is shown on TV as beneficial, it sells out, and when an exercise is praised, everyone rushes to try it. While it's great to be health-conscious, many of these trends are short-lived.
Health isn't a trend—this is Yuko Hisashi's perspective. Bestowed titles like Leg Trainer, Body Maintenance Therapist, and Beauty Life Advisor, she focuses on promoting a healthy mind and body.
In the past, households had medical encyclopedias offering guidance on injuries and illnesses, much like a first-aid kit. Flipping through them casually helped build health knowledge. Inspired by this, Yuko Hisashi aims to spread a similar resource. She is preparing a seminar focused on "Self-Medication" and "Self-Care," highlighting the interaction of health and beauty to enhance the body’s natural healing power.
Health fosters beauty, gives life meaning, and brings happiness. It is the foundation of everything. Understanding total health leads to true well-being.

久 優子

Yuko Hisashi

⼀般社団法⼈⽇本ホリスティックウェルネス協会 代表理事。
