


⽢酒は飲む点滴と⾔われるほど。 納⾖は藁に⼊ったものを選ぶのが久さんのこだわり。


健康を考えたとき、まず自分でできることは運動と食事への配慮。 運動は好きなスポーツを選べば遊びの延長として楽しめるけど、食事はハードルが高い。 カロリーや栄養のことを学ばないとだめな気がする。 どうですか、久さん。
「カラダは口から入れたものでできています。だから私は食にこだわっています。基本は、粗食です」。でも、肉はおいしいし、ラーメンはやめられない、辛いものも好きだし、ビールはうまい。 健康診断の際、コレステロール値でひっかかり再検査になっても、食事の改善はなかなかできない。
でも、それでも食べてしまったらデトックスをする。 「そうですね。 摂ってしまったら出すことです。そのためにも毎⾷、発酵⾷品を⾷べることをおすすめします」。そういえば発酵食品の専門店をいろんなところで見かける。 みんな大好きですよね。


Today's wisdom for good health: If you eat something unhealthy, detox.

Even knowing additives are harmful, they’re hard to avoid. If you can't maintain a perfect diet, opt for fermented foods."

For good health, start with exercise and a mindful diet. Exercise can be fun if you pick a sport you enjoy, but managing your diet can be tough—it feels like you need to learn about calories and nutrition. What do you think, Yuko?
"We are what we eat, which is why I’m particular about diet. The basics are simple, plain meals."
But meat is delicious, ramen is irresistible, I love spicy food, and beer is great. Even if I get flagged for high cholesterol and need a retest, it’s hard to change my diet."As I mentioned earlier, you should question easily accessible foods. Some instant foods may taste good, but always check for additives. Also, be cautious of foods with strong flavors."

But if you still eat something unhealthy, detox. "Exactly. If you consume something harmful, it’s important to flush it out. That’s why I recommend fermented foods." Speaking of which, I’ve noticed fermented food stores popping up everywhere. Everyone seems to love them, right?
"They must suit the Japanese body well, which is why they've been eaten consistently since ancient times. Now, their taste and benefits are widely recognized abroad and have become popular. Fermented foods are incredibly versatile—they preserve food, enhance flavor, and promote health. From soy sauce, miso, and vinegar to yogurt, cheese, and kimchi, they all taste great. Plus, they help remove harmful cholesterol bacteria, improve gut health, boost metabolism, provide antioxidants, and reduce stress. They're truly beneficial." To improve your health, fermented foods are a great place to start—and they’re delicious.



2024.11/2(sat.) 11:00~13:30(休憩30分)
休憩時間は⾝体のお悩み相談をお受けします。《参加費 6,000円》

東京都中央区⽇本橋⼈形町3-4-13⽇本橋⽯⽥ビル2F (主催 ⼀般社団法⼈⽇本ホリスティックウェルネス協会)