Feature | 2024.10.25

目の見えない人が映画鑑賞を楽しむ。そう聞いたら一瞬 “えっ?” となる。その “えっ?” に真剣に取り組み、実践している映画館が「シネマ・チュプキ・タバタ」。このユニバーサルシアターが完成するまでの経緯を代表の平塚千穂子さんに聞いてみた。「2001年から視覚障がい者でも映画が楽しめるようボランティアを行ってきました。活動をはじめてから15年目にあたる2016年に、念願のバリアフリー映画館の設立に踏み出しました」。バリアフリーの映画館は前例がなく、手探りで設計から始めたという。「映画館をバリアフリーにする。そのために例えば座席の間隔はどれくらいにすればいいか?扉の開き方はどうする?通路にも工夫が必要?などなど、わからないことだらけでした。でも、ひとつひとつの問題を多くの方々の助けを借りてクリアしてきました。人が人を呼び、様々なアイデアが生まれてきて、逆に私が尻を叩かれている状態に。最後は “つくっている” よりも “つくらされている” ような状態で(笑)、それもありがたかったです」。
いまの映画館の近くに映画も観られるカフェをつくることを考えているという平塚さん。上映を待つ間や、映画鑑賞後にゆっくり過ごせる、ユニバーサルなコミュニティスペースをつくりたいという。 障がい者が日常にいることで街も人も優しくなれる。そのきっかけをつくろうとしている映画館が田端にある。
A universal theater in downtown where everyone can enjoy movies.
For a more accessible experience, there’s Cinema Chupki Tabata,
a 20-seat theater designed to accommodate everyone, including those with disabilities.
Founder Chihoko Hiratsuka explains, “Since 2001, we’ve worked to make films accessible to the visually impaired, and in 2016, we finally opened this barrier-free cinema.” There being no precedent for such a movie theater, they had to start from scratch with the design. “We wanted to make the cinema barrier-free. To achieve that, we had to figure out how far apart the seats should be, how the doors should open, did we need to improve the aisles, and so on.
But with the help of many, we were able to overcome each problem one by one. People invited other people, all kinds of ideas were born, and it felt like I was the one being pushed harder. In the end, it felt more like we were the ones being made to create the theater (laughs), and I was grateful for that too.“
How do visually impaired people watch movies? “All the seats have earphone jacks. People can watch the movie while listening to an audio guide that translates the images into words.“ “Sound is life for the visually impaired, so we paid particular attention to the acoustics of the venue. We placed speakers at the front, sides, back and even on the ceiling facing the screen to create a three-dimensional sound field. We call it ‘Forest Sound’ because it makes you feel as if you are surrounded by the rich sounds of a forest.“
There is also a parent-child viewing room in the theater, and all films are subtitled for hearing impaired, allowing everyone to enjoy films.
Another unique aspect of this cinema is its location, nestled in a humble shopping district in Tabata. “I love this location,” says Hiratsuka. “People with disabilities from all over come to this shopping district. When they get lost, they ask the locals for directions, and the locals are always happy to help. Having people with disabilities in the community fosters a kinder atmosphere. I hope we can create even more of these environments.”
Hiratsuka is thinking of opening a café near the movie theater where people can also watch movies. She wants to create a universal community space where people can relax before and after the screening. By bringing people with disabilities to Tabata, this movie theater promotes kindness in the neighborhood and its residents.

《サポーター・クラブ会員 年会費》
※会員特典や入会方法など詳しくは https://chupki.jpn.org/support まで
