



麹にこだわり抜く「MURO」。その名前の由来は、麹を製造する「麹室(こうじむろ)」。“KOJIを通じて、人々の健康や豊かな食に貢献する” をコンセプトに麹の研究・開発から商品化、そして販売まで手がけている。しかし、なぜ麹に特化したのか、MUROの運営母体である株式会社コラゾンの代表取締役である大村智則さんに聞いてみた。「麹がカラダにいいことは広く知られ、人気もありました。しかし、ブランディングはされていませんでした。それはもったいないと思い、麹の研究から商品開発までを行い、ブランド化に着手しました」。
MUROの店内には様々な種類の甘酒がある。ゆずやかぼす、リンゴやブルーベリーなど知らなかった甘酒の味、そしてどれもおいしい。おすすめは有機玄米と麹を掛け合わせた玄米甘酒「Bioene」とスッキリ飲みやすいと評判の「KOJI DRINK A」。


MURO, taking koji a step beyond.

Koji has become KOJI, a popular drink that is nutritious as well as delicious.

MURO is a shop dedicated to koji, named after the koji-muro room where koji is produced. Following the concept of "Contributing to people's health and rich food culture through KOJI," MURO manages everything from koji research and development to commercialization and sales. But why focus on koji? I asked Tomonori Omura, CEO of Corazón Corporation, which operates MURO. "Although koji was well-known for its health benefits, it had never been branded. I thought that was a missed opportunity, so we began branding it, along with research and product development."
MURO primarily offers rice koji amazake, often called a "drinkable IV drip" due to its rich nutrients and reputed health and beauty benefits. "Amazake tends to evoke specific memories for people. Some might find it smelly or dislike its unique flavor. That's why we focused heavily on improving the taste. If it doesn't taste good, people won't drink it."

The MURO store offers a variety of amazake flavors like yuzu, kabosu, apple, and blueberry—flavors I never knew existed, and all are delicious. Recommended options include Bioene, a brown rice amazake made with organic brown rice and koji, and KOJI DRINK A, known for its refreshing taste. In addition to amazake, rice koji seasonings are also popular. "There are many types, such as salt koji, soy sauce koji, and garlic koji. For example, tomato koji can be used in Italian dishes. Just a small amount enhances the five basic tastes—sweetness, saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and umami—making dishes incredibly flavorful. Even inexpensive meat becomes tender and tastes premium."
And most importantly, koji is good for the body. "The Japanese have long understood the benefits of fermented foods like koji. Miso shops along highways existed to nourish travelers. Now, the world is beginning to recognize the value of koji. From Noma in Copenhagen, once named the world’s best restaurant, to many other restaurants in Europe and the Americas, fermented foods like koji are gaining popularity."
Koji has a bright future. "Its taste and health benefits continue to reveal new surprises. It could even help address modern issues like allergies, lifestyle diseases, and extending healthy life expectancy. That's why we will keep pushing forward with koji research, development, and commercialization."
MURO’s mission to evolve koji for health and taste goes on.

